Overlaps are intersections of mining hotspots that consist of the same material. We are looking for the largest number of hotspots that cover the same area in the ring. This is helpful because we assume that players are looking for a place where they can mine a certain material as efficiently as possible. This is particularly interesting for tritium in deep space.
Here are a few examples to illustrate this. We use the three materials for this:
How well mining works in overlaps is discussed often enough elsewhere. Overlaps are probably no guarantee of mining vast quantities of the material you are looking for in the shortest possible time. - But better than nothing...
In this simple case, we have an overlap here which is of the same material, namely tritium, for each hotspot. This is then counted as 2 overlap.
Although we have an overlap here, it consists of different materials - tritium and void opal from the respective hotspot. This does not count as an overlap for us.
In both overlaps, the hotspots consist of the same material, tritium. However, because only two hotspots are involved in each overlap, we do not get an overlap greater than 2.
If there is an overlap, we have different materials, tritium and void opal. This overlap is not counted at all. With the tritium/tritium overlap, we again have an overlap of 2, which is the highest value, i.e. a total of 2!
First of all: With three different materials, the result for the overlaps would be the same.
Here we have two tritium hotspots, but the void opal hotspot is located exactly in the middle of the 3-material chain. Therefore, all overlaps consist only of different materials. So no overlap.
All three hotspots are made of LTD. So in the middle we have an area where LTD overlaps three times. Next to it are areas in which only two of the three hotspots overlap. Because we are looking for the largest overlap of a variety, the overlap is 3.
Because one of the hotspots here consists of Void Opal, two regions with an overlap of 2 are eliminated. In addition, the overlap in the middle is reduced from 3 to 2, meaning that we only have a valuable overlap between the two LTD hotspots. Just like in the example with only two hotspots where both materials are the same, this is a 2 overlap.
If the three hotspots, as here, consist of three different materials, then there is no overlap at all. So, no overlap.